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Sorting Out the SEO Men From the Boys

Posted on November 9, 2022 by Alden Detrick

Understanding just what elements have to be in place to fulfill the hunger of the Google algorithm can be an on-going process fuelled by the speculation of one thousand SEO forums, each searching for the fabled Golden Key which will unlock the doors to page rankings only ever spoken of in hushed tones.

The reality of the problem is that a lot of what goes on behind the closed doors of Goggle has already been understood.

A quick search of the site will reveal all the on-page elements which are now thought will help a niche site in achieving the the surface of the Goggle rankings for just about any particular keyword or phrase.

Additionally the significance of off-page elements such as for example a proven way in-coming text links from relevant and related sites with an excellent pr are equally discussed infinitum.

What are rarely discussed will be the technical factors regarded as utilized by Google within its analytical ranking process.

These are believed to play as big a component along the way because the on-page factors and could actually supersede them as Google steps up its anti-spam campaign.

Ask yourself or the indegent devil in charge of your search engine marketing techniques the next questions, and think about why your internet search engine page rankings aren't as high as you desire:

  • Is your domain name registered for at the very least a decade or could it be registered for per year or two like the rest of the keyword rich spam sites making use of their multiple doorways?
  • Is your website situated on an unique IP in a clean neighbourhood or does it share an IP range with that foot fetish link farm that Google loves so much (or much less the case could be)?
  • Is your server red hot with a delivery speed approaching warp speed nine or does it chug along at Zimmer frame speed one?
  • Do you hide all your CSS style sheets and JavaScript in remote files or can you live them on the page and hope that the robots could be bothered to get that first little bit of keyword rich content at line 987.
  • Does your CMS rewrite its page urls so they are user and internet search engine friendly or does it spew our page urls which are longer when compared to a sleeping Tom Cruise?
  • Does your Robots.txt File invite internet search engine robots in such as a prodigal friend or could it be the brand new Berlin Wall around your keyword rich content?
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